Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why 5 Pounds of Flour Trumps Playdoh, Legos and Batman

I saw this video on Monday  Family Home Destroyed by Avalanche
I immediately had two simultaneous thoughts:
1. Oy.
2. What a great representation of hands on learning!

Now, I’m not suggesting that we all bring in 5 pound bags of flour and encourage our young children to redecorate the living room, however, think about everything this experience taught these little guys. ages 1 and 3.

Bringing the new bag of flour into the living room (Gross motor, negotiation skills and cooperation)

Opening the bag (Problem solving skills)

Moving the flour from the bag to the couch, the windows and the television (Math, engineering and visioning come into play here.)

Tossing the flour in the air like my brother (Modeling for the 3 year old and repetition for the 1 year old)

Feeling the flour against my hands, the floor, the couch, etc. (Sensory, fine motor, discovery)

Sharing our activity with mom (Self esteem, communication)

Watching mom clean up (Priceless!)

Learning opportunities are everywhere. When the experience is relevant and interesting, the learning takes on a whole new depth.

My only advice to the mom? TOP SHELF.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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