Friday, May 30, 2008

Way to go Nick!

My youngest son, Nick, graduated from high school this week. As he was walking to receive his diploma, I was struck by two things: 1) He is very tall, and 2) He figured out the system, and those people up there were giving him a ticket to adulthood. As I looked at my husband to see if he was thinking the same thing, I noticed he had his cell phone up to his ear. "Jon, who are you calling?" He smiles and says, "Nick. But I guess he must be busy!"

Who says that once the kids leave there are no children left at home? :)

Congratulations, did it!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back to the Beginning

NOTE: This is the original message in my first blog. It can be considered a mission statement. (Who knew that blogs had mission statements??) Anyway, here's my message...

It's time, people.....time to work. I have a goal and I need your help. I want to be the first early childhood blog that has so many members (or whatever they call it), that we draw the attention of the Oprah show.

I can see it now. I get a call from one of her producers. They are working on a segment regarding quality early childhood education, and "well, DJ, your name keeps popping up." We talk about who else could be on the segment with me. I suggest a few people - Bonnie from Childcare Information Exchange (Sorry Bonnie I can never spell your last name... Neugebauer? Neubauer?) Of course, I am online right now and could easily look it up if I really wanted to.

Then the producer suggests we have celebrity parents there. People with young children. I know, Brad Pitt! WITHOUT Angelina. (Not because I don't like Angelina, it's just that if shes not there, and we all take a coffee break, Brad might pull me aside for a few questions, and then it would be just me and Brad, chatting it up over a couple of decaf mocha lattes...) Of course, if Angie comes, I know we'd become fast friends and she will beg me to come over and role model some of my techniques with her kids, and then I would get to go over to their house, and have a bite to eat, hang out, maybe scrapbook a bit with her and Brad...OK, bring Angie too!

OK, back to reality. The truth is, someone needs to be on that show and tell the parents to back off of the preschools so the teachers can do what they know is best for learning. Someone needs to talk about early literacy and the emotional connections children have with learning. There needs to be a representative from the real world to tell these folks to stop pressuring the schools to teach their 3 and a half year old son to read, when what that parent really needs to be doing is helping little Bobby learn to enter social situations with ease. Someone who is not afraid to say it like it is....someone who wants 4 year olds to spend time studying bugs instead of the letter F. Someone who is can handle an inordinate amount of press and fame. You need a 4 year old princess. People, I am your gal! Let me at 'em!

So, what you need to do is forward this blog to everyone you know who loves to be around and work with young children. Parents, grandparents, teachers, family day care providers, your nail lady who has great stories to tell about her three nephews, your vet (people who love animals usually love kids, you know - it's worth a shot!) In return for their subscription to this blog, they will recieve stories that are sometimes funny, sometimes thought provoking, sometimes controversial, but always about kids.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

You are invited to my party...

Dear Denise,
For the past 6 months you have been asking me when I would have new stuff on the blog. ( OK, so I gave you a few kibbles here and there. Appetizers, if you will. Little munchies. (These food metaphors are popping up because it's almost dinner time!) I never added things on a regular basis because I was a novice in the blog kitchen. But now, my son Dan taught me all sorts of cool stuff we can do on this blog, and since I have a new home, a bigger kitcher (metaphorically speaking), and better untensils, I am ready to cook! So let's get started!
Thanks for your support,

PS. A thousand points for you!