Friday, November 19, 2010

L-O-V-E to P-L-A-Y

I am writing a book as an independent study project. It is about the workings of a preschool from the eyes of it's Preschool Director. This woman loves to change the lyrics of popular songs in order to emphasize certain points to teachers, parents and children. This song, her newest, is in response to the misinformed parents' lament that learning and play are antonyms.

The tune is to the song "L-O-V-E", made famous by Nat King Cole. I've attached the video to help you get the tune in your mind.

P is cause you will PRETEND with me,

L is LAUGHING cause it's fun, you see,

A is ADMIRATION for your imagination

Y is YES I'll share and maybe even cut your hair (oh!)

PLAY is what I want to do with you!

PLAY is how I make my world ring true,

Let me play and find the

Answers that are in my mind oh

PLAY is what I need to do!

Blocks is where I go to build a town,

Please come join me just don't knock it down!
Then we'll go to easles,

(Not so close we could get measles!)

PLAY is what I like to do!

Mom is asking what I did today,

She wants me to answer more than "Play",

She can't see that playing's

How the learning's staying,

I remember more than ever now that I'm exploring'...

PLAY is what I want to do with you.

PLAY is how I make my world ring true.

Let me play and find the

Answers that are in my mind, oh

PLAY is what I need to do!

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