Saturday, December 04, 2010

צֶלֶם אֱלֹהִים‎‎ In the Image of God

Our children are everything.  They are our link to the past, and our connection to the future.  All that we do with and for them, therefore, reflects who we are and where we're going. 

Which explains why I sometimes worry about our future.

Now, don't get me wrong.  We're not doomed.  We CAN fix this.  We just need to make some changes. 

Including me. Beginning with this blog. 

We are told that we are created in the Image of God.  Our children come to us with their sparks of Divinity.  Let's learn from them.  Let's foster their interests.  Let's take care of our future.

Let's talk.


Randi said...

Great post. Here's our do we make sure we're meeting the needs of our children, while still fostering their interests. There's so much pressure on teachers to meet state standards, that it's easy to lose the focus on what's really important.

DJ Jensen said...

I agree with you, Randi. Therein lies our challenge. But who doesn't love a good challenge? :)

Meeting state standards as well as the needs of the children is do-able. It requires planful presentation and excellent marketing skills on the part of the teacher. We will discuss this more fully in upcoming posts.