Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whoo Hoo!

There is nothing more satisfying than to wake up and read an article like this.

The Serious Need for Play: Scientific American

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The title: The Serious Need for Play. This article comes from Scientific American Mind Magazine. The author, Melinda Wenner, points out that studies of over 6000 children have proven that "unstructured, imaginative play"..."is critical for becoming socially adept...and building cognitive skills such as problem solving." She continues to explain the intricate differences between free unstructured games, such as block building and imaginative play, and the more common activities that children are offered, such as playing soccer or a game of lotto. She takes on the Vygotsky philosophy of scaffolding to a level that is easy to understand and share with parents.

So, friends, I challenge you. Give a copy of this article to the families in your care. Use this as your door opener. Start the conversation. Go Team!

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