Monday, December 03, 2012

October 3

October 3,
Dear Diary,
In the book Spreading the  News:  Sharing Early Childhood Education,  Margie Carter and Deb Curtis talk about bringing the parents inside the classroom through photos and documentation. 

Genius!  Why didn't I think of that?  This could solve my problem. 

If the teachers document the learning, then the parents can see where the pre-writing and pre-reading skills come from.  If the documentation is done correctly, maybe the parents can see the actual GROWTH of language.  For example, if the threes start the language and literacy documentation, then the parents will really see the changes during the fours year. 

Maybe we should start this in the two's?  
Why only language and literacy growth?  Let's show growth in all of the domains. 

Hmmm, If I asked the teachers to begin doing all the domains, they would walk out.  I would have a mutiny on my hands. 

Baby steps, Deej,  baby steps.

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